All Things Cascadas Fall 2021
COVID Continues to Decline in Cabo

COVID cases continue to decline in Cabo San Lucas along with many parts of the world. As of October 7, 2021 the Club was able to lift some of the restrictions as appropriated. Starting in January 2021, every member or guest staying at Club has been required to take an antigen test before returning to the U.S. That means close to 14,000 tests have been performed onsite. Approximately 14 tested positive. Of those, 12 tested negative shortly after and were able to fly home. The other two were successfully quarantined at Club until they tested negative. Thanks to the onsite team taking extra care in cleaning and the social distancing guidelines, we have never had any sort of “outbreak” or “super spreader” type events. Per the health authorities, Members, guests, and staff alike are still asked to wear masks in the common areas around the Club to protect everyone, but you can feel safe at your low density, outdoor oriented Club Cascadas. Come on down!
Early Arrival Rental Discount for Members and Guests

Cascadas Members and guests receive “early arrival” rental discounts for Sunday through Wednesday. Want to spend a few more days in beautiful Cabo San Lucas or take advantage of lower airfare? Come on down. We will do our best to keep you in the same villa so you don’t have to move on Thursday, but even if you do, our friendly onsite staff will assist and it’s a small price to pay for a few extra days in paradise.
Hurricane Season

Club Cascadas and Cabo, in general, is always vigilant of any hurricanes and natural occurrence that may happen. This year was no exception, and Cascadas continues to work together and being proactive by implementing preventive measures and well-established procedures for everyone involved to know their roles and act safely. During 2021, hurricanes Olaf and Pamela were a couple of storms we kept a close eye on. The onsite staff does a marvelous job removing beach furniture, setting up tables inside the Clubhouse, placing sandbags in the necessary locations, and many more measures to be as prepared as possible.
A much needed and necessary electric infrastructure project is underway. A new generator was installed this year on the arroyo side and the old generator located in the main building is scheduled to be replaced next year. These improvements will provide power to the property in case of a power outage.
Don’t Let Your Week Sit Empty
For our members, don’t let your week sit empty next year. We are anticipating extra high demand as travelers begin to venture out. We want you to come down and enjoy your beautiful Club Cascadas. That’s why you’re a member! But…If you can’t come down, let us know and we will get your week rented. Simply contact the onsite sales and rental office at the Club toll free 1 888 846 5571 or
Vaccination Update

The State of Baja California Sur leads the country on vaccinated population. Vaccines have been made available to all BCS habitants who are 18 years old or over. The vaccination rate for the state is 82%, who have received at least their first dose. The Club’s staff has a 92% vaccination rate, whether fully vaccinated or first dose. The campaigns continue and it is paramount to the resort to spare no effort towards mitigating risk to the best of our abilities.
2022 Budget Update

The Board of Directors met on October 5, 2021 to discuss the budget for the upcoming year and to approve the renovation schedule. We are most pleased to inform our Members that the Board approved the budget with NO increases to dues for the 6th consecutive year. Renovations were approved for Buildings 6, 10, 11 along with Perlitas 2, 3, and 5 along with a few common area projects. The remodel will continue to be paid by the Association’s Reserve Fund and NO special assessment is being levied nor planned. We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences related to the construction and ask for your patience as we are approaching its completion. Affected Members on the villas that are to be put out of service will be notified shortly along with sending a courtesy notice to all Members during construction weeks.
Resale vs. Return and Refund…One More Reason to Use CVI
Mexico law requires anyone renting or selling their week to pay a 16% added Value Tax (IVA) AND approximately 31% personal income tax. Breaking the law is never a good idea in Mexico. Club Cascadas is unique in the vacation ownership world by setting up a Return and Refund Program where members can return their membership to Club and receive a refund for an agreed amount. CVI processes the sale and its corresponding tax compliance. So, besides being safe, legal, and reliable selling and renting through Cascadas Vacations, Inc. saves you money! In addition to covering all maintenance dues on unsold inventory, any profit earned by CVI goes right back into Club Cascadas to help maintain the property and keep annual dues the lowest in the industry.

Maintenance Fee Assistance for Winter Season Members
We are experiencing extra high demand for the winter season this coming year. For our winter season Members, if you are having trouble paying your annual dues on time, we may be able to help. Contact Charlotte onsite to see if you qualify for our “pay now” program to cover your dues for 2021. Please dial our Toll-Free number at 1 888 846 5571 or send an email to