All Things Cascadas November 2022

Welcome to our next Edition of All Things Cascadas The occasional update on beautiful Club Cascadas de Baja

New Margarita Villas with Elevator
After a year of research, evaluation and member input, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to build a new villa on buildings 16 and 17 as part of the Club’s renovation plan for 2023. And the exciting news is these two buildings will have an elevator added to access the Escondido, Margarita and the new Margarita Cielo! Members who own use time in the Margarita and Escondido villas in these two buildings are being given the first option to purchase a membership in the new villa. Any remaining weeks in the new elevator villas will be made available to all members on November 11 and made available to the general public until mid-December. For information, contact the onsite sales and rental office toll free 1 888 846 5571 or
Renovation Schedule for 2023
Finally….. Club is nearing the final phase of long-term renovation plan to update every villa Club! We just completed buildings 10 and 11.

Here is the schedule for next year: Building 16 will close starting week 1 and re-open week 34, Building 18 closes week 2 and opens week 22 and Building 17 closes week 17 and opens week 50 .
All members that own use time during these weeks in these buildings will NOT be charged maintenance fee for their villa in 2023. Members that cannot use their villa can choose to come to Club any week there is an open villa and pay the cost for the week they use, or make alternate vacation plans. Contact the onsite rental office for details
Trading Places Management and Capital Vacations
Our long time management company, Trading Places International has been acquired by Capital Vacations. Club Cascadas sent a notice to all members informing of the acquisition and Capital Vacations will provide the same same great Trading Places has provided over the years
No need to be confused on who does what!! Here’s a handy guide to help out
Handy Contact Guide for Members and Guests
Paying Maintenance Fees 1 800 365 7618
Confirming My Arrival (949) 461-1376 or fill out the simple form on the club website
Airport Transfers/Grocery Delivery/Travel Insurance Fill out the simple form on the Club
Buying/Selling 1 888 846 5571
Renting or Relocating due to Renovations 1 888 846 5571
Club Management and All Other resort inquiries
Remember…don’t let your week sit empty
Because of the renovations going on next year, if you can’t use your villa, PLEASE let us know so another member can reimburse your dues and have a place to stay. Contact the onsite rental office 1 888 846 5571 or e-mail to
Facebook Users
For those of you that use Facebook, Club Cascadas has a page and your sales and rental company, Cascadas Vacations Inc has a brand new page. Follow for official updates on the Club and for rental and sales opportunities