All Things Cascadas Spring 2024

Welcome to the Spring Edition of All Things Cascadas. Our way of keeping you updated on beautiful Club Cascadas de Baja
2024 The Year of No Construction

After almost six years of constant renovation work, we’re almost done! There will be no renovation work in 2024. Over the years we completed the construction of three new two-bedroom villas, added a new bathroom to the middle pool area, two elevators were added to buildings 16 and 17 and countless other behind the scenes projects were completed by our fantastic facilities team. Come on down this year to enjoy the peace and quiet of no renovation work and a beautiful new Club Cascadas!

Building 16/17 Elevator Access Villas
Both buildings are complete, elevators are running and members are thrilled with the results. Only 4 of the 100 new villas remain available for purchase and only 10 of the 100 renovated Margarita villas with elevator remain for sale. If you’re tired of climbing stairs and would like a beautiful two bedroom with jacuzzi AND a private elevator, let us know!
Facebook Reminder
For all of your Facebook users, Club Cascadas and the Club sales and rental company, Cascadas Vacations Inc have Facebook pages to keep members and friends updated For resort updates and for updated sales and rental information including last minute deals
Early Arrival Discounted Rates
Members that want to come in a day or two early for their week receive a special discounted rate on a our Run of House one bedroom for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Run of House means any available one bedroom or larger. If you want a little added time at Club, or to take advantage of lower airfare, contact the onsite rental office or toll free 1 888 846 5571

Private Sales and Rentals
Some members and guests ask if they can rent or sell privately without going through the program operated by Club Cascadas. The answer is yes….. kind of. Mexico requires a 16% Added Value Tax (IVA) be collected and paid to Mexico on all sales and rentals. AND, if the owner of the membership is not a resident of Mexico, they are required to pay 31% personal income tax on the net amount charged. Besides the tax issue, we have had guests show up on the wrong date because the member was confused, or the villa was double booked, or the person paid was NOT the owner of the villa. Standing at the front desk being told you don’t have a room is NOT the way to start your vacation. Cascadas Vacations Inc was formed to help members and guests rent, buy and sell safely and legally. We’re here to help or toll free to Cabo 1 888 846 5571
Pre-Arrival Reminder
For members coming down to use their week, or for guests renting a villa, please remember to send in your Pre-Arrival form at least one week prior to your arrival so our onsite team knows how to prepare for your stay in paradise. You can also order groceries to be stocked in your villa. Make reservations at the spa or restaurant. Arrange transfers from the airport, buy travel insurance and more. Here’s the link to the form on the Club website
Did you Know?

Your maid is allowed to take any food or drinks you leave in your villa. This is part of their compensation and they very much appreciate it! If you want to leave items such as clothing or shoes etc please leave a note that they can present to security.
We value each and every Member and guest. If you have a question or concern related to
Club Cascadas or Cabo San Lucas, simply reply to this email or send an email to, and the right team Member will get back to you with an answer.